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Gout Sufferers and Review of Uricinex

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1Gout Sufferers and Review of Uricinex Empty Gout Sufferers and Review of Uricinex Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:02 pm



Gout Sufferers and Review of Uricinex

Uricinex claims to reduce, and sometimes completely eliminate pain and swelling caused by gout. It does this thanks to a proprietary blend that reduces the level of Uric Acid. Micronutra, the makers of Uricinex, claims that this is all achieved naturally, without the side effects of prescription drugs. In addition, Urinex touts a high level of success, shown in an independent clinical study.

Uricinex boasts an all-natural arthritis medication to the rescue! side effects. From a partial list of ingredients on the company's website, the main ingredients are derived from Yucca (a plant), Artichokes, Turmeric (a member of the ginger family), and Sylmarin (Milk Thistle). These ingredients are indeed natural. However the complete list of ingredients is not available for review. As for the side effects, research into similar products shows that a very small percentage of users (one half of 1%) have manor upset stomach symptoms. They are told to take the supplements with a meal to alleviate this problem. Again, this has not been reported for Uricinex, but for similar products on the market. The number of affected people is so small and not directly attributed to Uricinex use that we can believe the claim. Idea

  • Sufferers from gout, a debilitating and painful condition, often take several prescription medicines to combat this disease.
  • These medications often leave patients with side effects that include impaired liver functions.
  • Many of those afflicted by gout turn to natural supplements to replace/enhance their prescription treatments.
  • Uricinex is one of the most popular of these natural supplements.

So How Does Uricinex Stack Up Against Its Own Claims?

According to numerous testimonials, Uricinex does provide relief, sometimes within 72 hours. This pain relief appears to be caused by liquefying the crystallized uric acid that has formed in the joints. This is the cause of pain for gout sufferers. This liquid uric acid can then be expelled through urination. So on this count, Uricinex does appear to be very legitimate.

Micronutria Uses a 30-Day Independent Clinical Study as Support for Its Effectiveness

The study claims that people who took two pills, three times a day reported positive results 97.7 % of the time. 94.2% reported that their pain was completely done. While these are impressive numbers, it is important to note that only 36 people took part in this study. This is by no means an exhaustive research into the benefits and possible side effects of Uricinex. More should be done to validate the claims made about this product.

  • This quick review has outlined a few of the key points to look for when considering Uricinex as a supplement for gout pain relief.
  • Most of its claims appear to be legitimate and the product seems to do exactly what it claims.
  • More research should be done to backup the claims, but in general, I recommend Uricinex.

Only a Few Vitamins Have Been Really Researched as Contributors to a Natural Gout Remedy

One is vitamin C which a few studies have found lowers uric acid levels somewhat. I have written about vitamin C for gout in earlier articles. Make sure you buy a Vitamin C preparation that contains added flavonoids, the more the better, to make it work more effectively. And buy a time (sustained) release Vitamin C product, because Vitamin C is excreted quickly.

Given that gout attacks are inflammatory, as shown by the painful inflammation of the affected joints, any substance which acts as an anti-inflammatory may make the attack less painful and inflamed. Fish oils have well researched anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Potassium citrate is reported to be helpful in natural gout treatment, and has been the subject of gout studies.
  • It aids excretion of uric acid, by raising the pH of urine. (Higher body pH levels make uric acid more soluble and thus better excreted).
  • Potassium citrate can also head off the danger of kidney stones, of the uric acid variety, forming.
  • One estimate is that there is a 20% chance that kidney stones will form in gout patients who also have acidic urine.
  • Folic acid has been found in at least one study to be helpful because it inhibited xanthine oxidase, but in others to have no effect.
  • It was part of the late Dr.
  • Atkins's (the Atkins diet) formula for curing gout naturally but in large amounts.
  • It should certainly only be taken under supervision by a qualified and experienced practitioner.

Vitamins Work in Other Ways to Help in Natural Gout Treatment

Those that work as antioxidants perform the helpful function of squelching free radicals. Why is this helpful? Because during gout attacks, free radical levels rise. Some leading antioxidant vitamins are vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene and selenium.

Ensure the fish oil supplement you buy has been manufactured with a molecular distillation process. It takes out mercury, PCBs and dioxins. Since cherries have been researched as blocking inflammation, they should be considered. Cherries have also been found in studies to lower uric acid levels. When they are not in season american military university extracts, juice and in dried form can be taken. Cherries enjoy testimonials from gout sufferers both for curing gout naturally and halting the pain of attacks, but they won't do this for everyone. Celery, in two studies, also reduced pain and inflammation, so you can consider celery seed extract as part of natural gout treatment.

  • Quercetin may inhibit xanthine oxidase, the enzyme required to convert purines into uric acid.
  • This is the method used by the leading long term gout pharmaceutical, allopurinol.
  • Quercetin has done this in test tube studies.

Calcium May be Helpful Because It Helps to Alkalize the Body, (I.E

It raises its pH levels making the body more alkaline) and thus, the theory is, more uric acid will be excreted. In pH theory, because the blood's pH must be maintained at pH 365, the body will scavenge calcium from bones to maintain blood pH at Most people, it's said, and probably most gout sufferers too, have acidic bodies (which ought to be alkaline) and therefore a deficiency of calcium. Even the beginner will get to learn more about Purines after reading this article. It is written in easy language so that everyone will be able to understand it. Embarassed

Other vitamins which have been reported from various sources to help in natural gout treatment are quercetin, folic acid, potassium citrate calcium, and fish oils. Suppressing our knowledge on Uric Acid is not our intention here. In fact, we mean to let everyone know more about Uric Acid after reading this!

  • Gout diet plan is an important part of controlling your gout symptoms and attacks.
  • After all, when not controlled, gout can cause severe and permanent damage to your tissues, joints, and tendons.

Drinking lots of water and clear liquids. The better you hydrate your body, the more prepared it will be to flush uric acid away. - Eating more complex carbohydrates and fewer refined carbohydrates.

Maintaining a healthy body mass by eating a very healthy diet high in nutrients. - Eating dairy products that are low in fat, to help to lower the risk of gout flare-ups.

There are five main points that you need to art center design college to maintain a good gout diet plan. These are: - Minimizing the number of foods high in purines. These include, primarily, meat, beer, and seafood.

Painful Gout is No Joke for Sufferers - the Irish News

Gout Sufferers and Review of Uricinex A-P-x

Now that you knockout knee pain rules for planning a quality gout diet plan, you are prepared to speak to your doctor or a registered dietician about your healthy daily caloric intake and nutritional requirements, as well as the right foods to keep your diet properly balanced while still abiding by these five primary rules. Writing on Uric Acid proved to be a gamble to us. This is because there simply seemed to be nothing to write about in the beginning of writing. It was only in the process of writing did we get more and more to write on Uric Acid. Rolling Eyes

  • Through this study, it was discovered that those who eat large amounts of meat are 40 percent more likely to develop gout.
  • Furthermore, those who eat large amounts of seafood are 50 percent more likely to develop gout. Smile

As gout is caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood, a proper gout diet plan should aim to reduce uric acid levels and encourage proper elimination of uric acid from the body.

Foods high in purines and proteins and which should be avoided include: - Herring - Mussels - Hearts - Yeast - Sardines - Smelt Rolling Eyes

Sweetbreads - Anchovies - Bacon - Liver - Grouse - Veal - Mutton - Turkey - Salmon - Kidneys - Trout Shocked

Foods that Were Shown Not to Increase the Risk of Gout Included:

- Beans - Peas - Mushrooms - Spinach - Cauliflower Even though those foods are high in purines, they are low in protein. Choi has shown that it is a high-purine, high-protein combination that may be the true contributor to gout and not just the purines alone. It is also now suspected that gout and cardiovascular disease may also be linked, as the diets connected to gout are the same as those connected to heart and circulatory problems.

  • What is gout? Gout is a type of arthritis.
  • It is caused by the buildup of uric acid in your joints.
  • It can affect the foot, heel, ankle, elbow, wrist or hand.
  • Most often though, it affects the big toe.
  • Gout is a reoccurring problem that comes and goes.
  • It usually comes on without warning, and then goes away after 7-10 days. Wink
  • Alcohol can interfere with the removal of uric acid from the body.
  • Regular consumption of alcohol increases the likelihood of getting gout.
  • Other risk factors include:

Injury to the Joint

-Exposure to lead -Diet. Foods that contain large amounts of purine include red meat, creamy sauces, scallops, anchovies, beans, liver and heavy creamy sauces. -Medication. Aspirin, levodopa and several other medicines can interfere with the kidneys ability to remove uric acid from the body. -Excess body weight. Idea

  • Diet and gout Most often, your diet will determine if you get gout.
  • However, heredity is also a factor.
  • About 18% of people with gout find that it runs in their families. Wink

Uric Acid is Filtered Out of the Body by the Kidneys

It is then excreted in urine. When too much uric acid is produced by the liver, the kidneys are not able to remove it all, and it builds up in the blood stream. This build up of uric acid in the blood stream is known as hyperuricemia. Over time the uric acid crystallizes and ends up settling in joint spaces. White blood cells eventually mistake the crystals as a foreign invader to the body, and gather into the joints as well to attack the crystals. This causes inflammation, ie: swelling, redness, and the typical gout pain. Writing on Gout Prevention proved to be a gamble to us. This is because there simply seemed to be nothing to write about in the beginning of writing. It was only in the process of writing did we get more and more to write on Gout Prevention.

  • Diagnosing gout A physician can usually diagnose gout very easily.
  • A physical examination as well as certain tests are used to measure the amount of uric acid in the blood.
  • Sometimes a sample of fluid is taken from the joints and tested for the presence of urate crystals. Embarassed
  • What causes gout? Uric acid is naturally produced by the liver, and is found in the blood stream.
  • Uric acid is a by-product of certain products, especially those containing purine.
  • Foods that are known to contain large concentrations of purine include: sardines, anchovies, liver, brains, dried peas and beans.
  • Treatment Doctors can prescribe several drugs.
  • These drugs work to decrease the amount of uric acid in joints.
  • This helps to reduce the symptoms and frequency of attacks.
  • If not treated, serious permanent damage can occur.
  • This can lead to permanent disability. Laughing
  • Preventing gout The best medication for gout is prevention.
  • A healthy lifestyle decreases your chances for getting gout.
  • Maintaining a proper weight, and limiting alcohol intake will help.
  • Dehydration is also know to increase the formation of urate crystals.
  • Drinking a lot of water daily will help "flush" uric acid from the blood stream.
  • It is recommended that you drink six to eight glasses of water each day.
  • Also, try to avoid foods high in purine such as alcohol, red meat, sardines, beans, rich sauces, scallops, liver and dried peas. Smile
  • Who gets gout Although it is sometimes referred to as "rich mans disease", anyone can get it.
  • About 5% of all cases of arthritis are actually gout.
  • It is much more common in men than women, and usually develops in men in their late 30's or early 40's.
  • Women usually develop gout later in life, in their 50's or 60's.
  • Medical experts believe that estrogen protects women against hyperuricemia.
  • During menopause when estrogen levels decrease, women lost this protection and uric crystals can start to accumulate in joints.

Treatments Include Anti-Inflammatories, Corticosteroids

These medications can help alleviate symptoms in as little as a week. Before taking any medications for gout, you need to discuss the potential side effects with your doctor. Certain medications can cause severe gastrointestinal and cardiovascular side effects.

What is the Natural Cures Gout Remedy?

It is naturally curing the gout symptoms by decreasing the uric acid between the joints and avoiding pain killers in the process. The problem has become that most people just take more pain killers and treat the pain. Not gout. If you are taking pain killers, you could be causing more damage and taking literally years off the life of the joint. Surprised.

Treating Gout from all Angles Before there were synthetic medications that could almost treat everything, there were holistic treatments that cured ailments by using the body. In the case of gout, people had to watch what they ate and also eat a variety of foods that naturally flushed uric acid levels. We did not write too elaborate an article on Gout Sufferers as it would be then difficult for the common man to read it. We have written this article in such a way that everyone will be able to read and understand it!

  • And the best news about the natural cures gout remedy is that you can also become healthier in the process.
  • In fact, some of our ex-gout sufferers are 25 pounds lighter from our remedy.

4. Herbal therapy- Whether it is because of the detoxifying properties, minerals, nutrients or neutralizing properties; herbs often work! Our customers have found success with some of the following herbs: alfalfa, bilberry, burdoch, block cohash, buchu, and cayenne pepper.

5. Hydro Therapy- Flush your body naturally with 10-12 glasses of water per day. There are thousands of reasons to drink water and only water. But, we recommend you at least drink 10-12 glasses to flush potent uric acid levels which cause the pain between the joints. Embarassed

Here are the Various Angles You can Treat Gout Naturally

1. Your Diet- Possibly the greatest cause of gout and also the best way to treat and prevent gout. You should know what foods trigger gout attacks and what foods neutralize the flare-ups. Always choose foods low in purines. For a complete list please visit our Gout Remedy Report.

Fruits and Vegetables- This almost has its own category because of its effectiveness (How do i know i have arthritis ? and vegetables have to deal with your diet). Studies have shown that fruits and veggies can sometimes cure gout because of their high vitamin, nutrient and antioxidant properties. We suggest cherries, celery, strawberries, avocados, blueberries and grapes. Go for 5 a day!

6. Kidney Cleanse- Have you had your annual kidney cleanse? When the body is processing large amounts of uric acid, it can often form uric kidney stones in the kidneys. A simple kidney cleanse can remedy the possibility of gout and uric kidney stones.

  • You are suffering from gout, it is time that you start dealing with the uric acid and finally say good bye to gout forever!
  • You can do this by attacking the cause of gout, uric acid, with your diet, vitamins, supplements, herbs and various exercises.

Cure Your Gout in Hours If you live near a store, you can literally cure your gout naturally within the next few hours with a simple, affordable, guaranteed Natural Cures Gout Remedy. By using a variety of treatments, you can be sure to permanently cure gout and become healthier in the process!

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